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অক্টোবর, ২০১৭ থেকে পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে

4 Ways To Invest In The NASDAQ 100 Stock Index

If you look back over the past 25 years of stock market history you will find that it's hard to beat the performance of the NASDAQ 100 stock index. The NASDAQ 100 is the 100 largest non-financial stocks that trade on the NASDAQ stock exchange. In general, it out performs the S&P 500 when the market is advancing and under performs the S&P 500 during periods of decline. Therefore, when the economy is improving many investors look for exposure to this index. The most popular way to invest in the NASDAQ 100 is through the ETF which trades under the ticker symbol QQQ. This ETF is designed to track the performance of the NASDAQ 100 stock index less fees and expenses. It is one of the most popular ETFs trading about 50,000,000 shares per day. In recent years another innovation in the ETF world has been the use of leverage. There is a 200% or 2x leveraged version that tracks the index and it trades under the ticker symbol QLD. The goal of this fund is to move u...